Ninefold Kyrie – Lord, Have Mercy

Merciful God,
highest treasure,
we call to you in our need.
Have mercy on us.

Faithful Creator,
heavenly Father,
look on your beloved children now.
Have mercy on us.

When we were in pain,
you brought us joy,
and restored us to your Son’s kingdom.
Have mercy on us.

Christ, Son of God,
your church’s head, glory, joy and crown,
saving well of living water,
have mercy on us.

Look on your children,
the sheep of your scattered flock,
for this is why you came to this earth.
Have mercy on us.

You are our Atonement,
our appointed Redeemer,
our only intercessor,
Have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit, Counselor of your church,
most excellent master,
renew us and rule within us.
Have mercy on us.

Wipe out all sin and error.
Establish your Christendom
through your kindom of grace.
Have mercy on us.

Plant faith, hope and love,
strengthen and heal us,
and preserve your people to the end of the age.
Kyrie eleison.

Source: Kyrie cunctipotens 1566, from a musical arrangement by Hugo Diestler. Translated for A Collection of Prayers.

After Communion

O Lord Jesus Christ, you have richly fed and refreshed my soul. Help me to love you with all my heart, truly believe in you, and live according to your will. Finally, grant me a blessed and joyful end that I may live and remain with you forever.

Source: Pomeranian Agenda, possibly by Johannes Bugenhagen, 16th century.

Original in German:

O Herr Jesu Christ, der du meine Seele gar reichlich gespeiset und getränket hast, ich bitte dich, gib, daß ich dich von Herzen recht möge lieben, an dich wahrhaftig gläuben, und nach deinem heiligen Willen leben, beschere mir auch endlich ein selig und frölich Ende, auf daß ich mit dir in Ewigkeit leben, und bei dir bleiben möge, der du mit dem u. (Die pommersche Kirchen-Ordnung und Agenda, p. 381.2)

Before Communion

Lord, I am not worthy to be a guest at your holy table, yet I have heard the sweet words of your invitation, and you have promised me forgiveness of my sins through your body and blood which I eat and drink in this sacrament. O dear Lord, I know that your divine Word and promise are true. I do not doubt them, and resting on them, I eat and drink with you. Let it be to me according to your Word.

Source: Attributed to Martin Luther, no German original found in Die Gebete Luthers, from The Collection of Baron Bunsen, p. 182 #3 Tr. Catherine Winkworth.

Version in traditional English by Catherine Winkworth:

Lord Jesu Christ, though of a truth I am not worthy that Thou shouldest come under my roof, yet am I in sore need of Thy help, and desirous of Thy grace, that I may attain godliness and salvation.  I come now in no other confidence than this, that I have heard the sweet words wherewith Thou invitest me to Thy table, and dost promise me, unworthy though I be, forgiveness of my sins through Thy body and blood, which I eat and drink in this Sacrament. O dear Lord, I know that Thy Divine word and promise are true; I doubt them not; and, resting on them, I eat and drink with Thee. Be it unto me according to Thy word. Amen.

For Obedience to God’s Word

Lord God, heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us your holy Gospel and revealing your love to us. In your boundless mercy, help us hold on to this blessed light of your` Word, and through your Holy Spirit govern and guide our hearts, so that we may never stray from it, but hold fast to it and finally be saved; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Source: Pomeranian Agenda, possibly by Johannes Bugenhagen, 16th century.

Original in German:

Wir danken dir, Herr Gott himmlischer Vater, daß du uns dein heiliges Evangelium gegeben, und dein väterliches Herz hast erkennen lassen; wir bitten deine grundlose Barmherzigkeit, du wollest dies selige Licht deines Worts bei uns gnädiglich erhalten und durch deinen heiligen Geist unsere Herzen also leiten und führen, daß wir nimmermehr davon abweichen, sondern fest daran hallen und endlich dadurch selig werden, durch Jesum Christum, deinen Sohn u.

A Personal Confession of Sin

Almighty God, I am sorry for my many sins. I am proud and corrupt. I do not fully know my sins, and can never be sorry enough for them. Father of all comfort, do not deal with me in judgment, but in your great mercy. Give me your Holy Spirit so that I hear your Word, realize my sins, learn humility, seek you in truth, and be relieved in heart and conscience by the promise of our Lord Jesus. O Lord Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, by your bitter death and suffering and with your righteousness and innocence, cover my sin and evil. May I not only hear your Word, but keep it in my heart and live by it.

Source: Johannes Bugenhagen in  Gebetbuch, enthaltend…,  # 60.

Ich armer Sünder bekenne mich Gott dem Allmächtigen, daß ick leider viel gesündigt habe und mich in Sünden alfo vertiefet und verderbet, daß ich meine Sünde und fündlich Leben weder erkenne, noch genugsam beweine. Darum, allmächtiger Gott, ein Vater alles Trostes, ich bitte dich, du wollest mit mir thun nicht nach der Menge meiner Sünden, sondern nach deiner mannigsaltigen Bannherzigkeit, und sende mir zu deinen heiligen Geist in Verkün digung deines Wortes, damit ich komme zur Erkenntniß meiner Sünde und sündlichen Lebens und daß ich mich möge wahrlich demüthigen, dich in Wahrheit suchen, und in tröstlichen Zusagen in unserm Herrn Jesu mein Herz und Gewissen wiederum zufrieden stellen. O Herr Jesu Christe, mein Erlöser, ich bitte dich durch dein bitter Sterben und Leiden, daß du wollest sein mein Fürbitter und Mittler bei Gott, deinem himmlischen Vater, und mit deiner Gerechtigkeit und Unschuld vertreten meine Sünde und Bosheit; dazu verleihe mir nicht allein zu hören das Wort, sondern auch das im Herzen zu behalten und darnach zu leben. Amen. Vater unser.

Remembrance of Baptism

Lord God, heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the wonderful gift of baptism and the many gifts that come with it: forgiveness of sins, the Holy Spirit, and eternal life through your Son Jesus Christ. In your grace and mercy, preserve us in faith that we may never doubt your promise, but find our comfort in you in all temptations. Send us your Holy Spirit that we may renounce sin and always continue in the righteousness given us in baptism, until we receive eternal salvation by your grace.

Source: Adapted from two German prayers, one by Martin Luther and one from the Pomeranian Agenda.

Original in German:

Herr Gott himlischer Vater, wir danken dir je billich das du die selige gnadenreiche Tauf durch den heiligen Tauffer Johannem hast erstlich angerichtet, und uns auch dazu lassen kommen, in welcher du uns umb dienes Suns Christi Jesu willen zusagest vergebung der suenden, den heyligen Geyst und das ewige leben. Wir bitten dich, erhalte uns inn sochem vertruqen auff dein gnad und barmhertzigkeyt das wir an socher zusagung nymmer mehr zweyffelen, sonder der selben inn allerley anfecchtun uns troesten, und gib durch deinen heyligen Geyst das wir fuer suenden uns hueten, unnd in solcher unschuld dazu wir durch die Tauffe kommen sind, bleyben moegen, Oder ja wo wir fallen. Unnd menschlicher schwacheiyt halb nicht koennen bestehen das wir inn suenden nicht ligen bleyben, sonder durch rechtschaffene Buss uns bekehren und deiner gnad unnd zusagun uns wider troesten und also durch din genad ewig selig warden.

Carry Your People through All Earthly Evils

Almighty and eternal God,
your Son Jesus Christ healed the sick,
and strengthened them in both in body and soul.
We pray, be gracious also to __________.
Assure him of your forgiveness of sins,
strengthen him by your grace
and carry him through all earthly evils
until you bring him to eternal safety;
through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Source: Paul C. Stratman, 2021, adapted from a prayer by Veit Dietrich for Epiphany 3.

Note: This prayer is written for those who are sick and suffering, and may be approaching end of life.

Father, Send Your Holy Spirit for the Sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ

O Lord God, heavenly Father,
we poor sinners confess
that in our flesh dwells no good thing
and that, left to ourselves,
we die and perish in sin,
since that which is born of the flesh is flesh
and cannot see the kingdom of God.
But we ask
that you would give us your grace and mercy
and for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ,
send your Holy Spirit into our hearts,
that being born again in him,
we may firmly believe the forgiveness of sins
according to your promise in baptism,
and that we may daily increase in brotherly love
and in other good works,
until we at last obtain eternal salvation;
through your beloved Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one true God, now and forever.

Source: Veit Dietrich, d. 1549, Trinity (2)

Source of this version: The Collects of Veit Dietrich in Contemporary English © 2016 Paul C. Stratman

This revision/translation of The Collects of Veit Dietrich is licensed by Paul C. Stratman under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International LicensePlease contact for permission for any commercial use.

Holy Trinity, Keep Us in Your Grace

Almighty and eternal God,
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit,
you have shown your rich grace and mercy to us.
Eternal Father,
you created us at the beginning.
Eternal Son of God,
for us you became truly human,
and for our sins you bore the cross.
Eternal Spirit,
you proceed from the Father and the Son from eternity,
and through your holy Gospel you give us faith and holiness.
O one, eternal and almighty God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
keep us in your grace until our life’s end
in the eternal blessedness in the life to come.

Source: Veit Dietrich, d. 1549, Trinity (1)

Source of this version: The Collects of Veit Dietrich in Contemporary English © 2016 Paul C. Stratman

This revision/translation of The Collects of Veit Dietrich is licensed by Paul C. Stratman under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International LicensePlease contact for permission for any commercial use.

Pour Your Holy Spirit into Our Hearts

Lord God, heavenly Father,
in your fatherly love
you have given us your Son,
that through faith in him we may be saved.
Pour your Holy Spirit in our hearts
that we may continue steadfast in such faith to the end
and obtain eternal salvation;
through your beloved Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one true God, now and forever.

Source: Veit Dietrich, d. 1549, Pentecost Monday

Source of this version: The Collects of Veit Dietrich in Contemporary English © 2016 Paul C. Stratman

This revision/translation of The Collects of Veit Dietrich is licensed by Paul C. Stratman under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International LicensePlease contact for permission for any commercial use.