Epiphany Prayer


O Lord Jesus Christ, heavenly King, we thank you that you have brought both Jews and Gentiles to hear your voice, and from their number you have gathered and established your Holy Church, and perfected your praise out of their mouths. Keep us in that wisdom which you revealed to the Wise Men. Grant us your Holy Spirit, that we may always seek you and your kingdom. Enable us to follow your holy Word, as those from the East followed the leading of a star. Give us grace at all times and in all places to confess your holy name. Rule us by your Spirit, so that the joys of your birth may increase in us. Hear our prayers and cries. Accept our offerings, which you yourself have given us: the gold of our faith, the incense of our prayers and the myrrh of our contrite hearts. Deliver us from the destructive ways of error and sin, and by your Holy Spirit lead us in the ways of peace and in the paths of righteousness. Grant us all, when this life is done, a participation in the joys of the Year of Jubilee in heaven, where we shall praise and serve you and the Father who live and reign in unity with the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Source: Freely modified from Wilhelm Loehe, in Liturgy for Christian Congregations of the Lutheran Faith, 1902





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Lutheran pastor and musician serving St. Stephen's in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.

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