Prayer for the Sixth Sunday of Easter

O Lord, save us who hope in you,
comfort us with your Word,
whom you have redeemed with your most precious blood,
and grant us, with you, perpetual joy and happiness,
where sighing is at an end, and sorrow cannot come;
through your mercy, O our God,
you are blessed, and live and govern all things,
now and forever.

Source: Freely modified from Mozarabic Collects, ed. Rev. Chas. R. Hale, New York, 1881, p. 28 #1 (Easter 5)

“save us who hope in you”is a reference to Psalm 33:22

“redeemed with your most precious blood” is a reference to 1 Peter 1:18-19 and also to the Te Deum Laudamus

“and grant us, with you, perpetual joy and happiness” is a reference to Psalm 16:11

“where sighing is at an end, and sorrow cannot come”is a reference to Revelation 7:17Revelation 21:4


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Lutheran pastor and musician serving St. Stephen's in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.

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