A Collection of Prayers Annual Report, June 19, 2024

I haven’t posted many new prayers in the last year–only a few new prayers I stumbled on or wrote here and there.

Searches and hits on Martin Luther’s Evening Prayer is now the top item, with “Sanctus / Holy, Holy, Holy,” Go Forth into the World, Kyrie, Eleison / Lord, Have Mercy, In the Midst of Life We Are in Death, and Support Us All the Day Long all in the top hits and searches. The devotional booklet The Scriptural Way of the Cross was also in the top ten searches or views.

Because Kyrie, Sanctus and Agnus Dei were some of last year’s top hits, I wrote a series on the Western Rite.

The chief views continue to be from English speaking countries (U.S., U. K., Canada and Australia), but there is growing usage from the Philippines, India and South Africa. We also got one hit from Iran!

Links to A Collection of Prayers

WordPress lets me see referrers, that is, other websites that have a link to A Collection of Prayers. The biggest referrers are the Christian spirituality website www.christianity.com and a liturgy website www.liturgies.net, followed by individual ministries, churches, and even some denominational websites.

The past year was more quiet on A Collection of Prayers because of commitments in my work.

The sale of books pays for the website and supports research. Prayers from the Ancient Celtic Church, Prayers through the Centuries, and The Antiphonary of Bangor were the top sellers in the last year.

In 2024 I published Prayers Ancient Made Modern through Lulu, and also made it available for free in PDF, Word and ePub formats.

The Praying with the Readings series has been further developed electronically. Purchase of the books through Amazon.com includes directions on how to download files through this website, now including HTML pages of links for direct import of the prayers on my denomination’s web application Christian Worship: Service Builder. No more cutting and pasting!

Beyond This Website, Books and Products

A denomination contacted me about using psalm prayers for a worship conference. Devotional publishers have also contacted me about using A Collection of Prayers and some of my books as a source. I am always happy to share my work. People who share free worship materials on their websites have contacted me for permission to use and share–which is what A Collection of Prayers is all about.

May God be glorified and our neighbors edified!

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Lutheran pastor and musician serving St. Stephen's in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.

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