We Thank You for Your Precious, Saving Gospel


Lord God, heavenly Father,
you did not spare your only Son,
but gave him up for us all to be our Savior,
and along with him
you have graciously given us all things.
We thank you for your precious, saving gospel,
and we pray that you would help us to believe
in the name of our Savior
faithfully and steadfastly,
for he alone
is our righteousness and wisdom,
our comfort and peace,
so that we may stand on the day of his appearing;
through Jesus Christ, your dear Son, our Lord.

Source: Collect for Reformation, found in Allgemeines evangelisches Gesang- und Gebetbuch zum Kirchen und Hausgebrauch, Hamburg, 1846, p. 694.

Original in German:

Herr Gott, himmlischer Vater, der Du uns Deinen Sohn zum Heiland und in ihm Alles geschenket hast, wir danken Dir für dies theure, seligmachende Evangelium, und bitten Dich: Hilf uns treu und festiglich glauben in den Namen unsers Heilandes, der allein unsere Gerechtigkeit und Weisheit, unser Trost und Friede ist, auf daß wir können bestehen am Tage seiner Zukunft: durch Jesum Christum, Deinen lieben Sohn, unser Herrn. Amen.

Prayers from the Evangelical-Lutheran Heritage by [Stratman, Paul]This prayer is from Prayers from the Evangelical-Lutheran Heritage, available from Amazon.com, and also available for Amazon Kindle. It is a collection of prayers from the history of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church from Luther to Loehe. The collection includes prayers by Johannes Bugenhagen, Georg C. Dieffenbach, Veit Dietrich, Matthias Flacius, Wilhelm Loehe, Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, Joachim Mynsinger, Johann G. Olearius, Johann Jacob Rambach, and the early agendas and prayer books of the Austrian, Brunswick, Hamburg, Lueneberg, Norwegian, Nuremberg, Pomeranian, Riga, Russian, Saxon, Schleswig-Holstein, and Swedish Evangelical-Lutheran churches.

Published by


Lutheran pastor and musician serving St. Stephen's in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.

5 thoughts on “We Thank You for Your Precious, Saving Gospel”

  1. In the Anglican King James Bible Jesus’s Father is called ELOI in St Mark’s gospel account of the crucifixion. Is ELOI mentioned in the Lutheran New Testament?


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